We care about the environment and are committed to bringing accessible 100% green energy aggregations to local communities.
Green 2.0 Aggregations™: Unique and stable municipal aggregation program for your community
Absolutely seamless process that is fully executed by Eligo Energy
Demonstrate your commitment to green energy with EPA certification
100% green energy at no extra cost to your residents
Proudly Acknowledged By
Eligo Energy has serviced over 40 municipalities across the country. We aspire to bring accessible green energy to local communities through a transparent and seamless process for residents and governments.
How? We register Green Certificates and cover 100% of the electrical load for your residential and small commercial customers.
The True-Green™ Aggregation Partnership from Eligo will help your local community achieve the following goals: (1) Meet residents’ expectations on sustainability; (2) Secure 100% Clean Energy; (3) Match the Utility Price to Compare; (4) Receive Clean Power Partnership recognition by the US EPA; (5) Protect residents from door-to-door solicitations; (6) Provide a long-term and stable CCA program that requires a minimal level of effort; (7) Provide annual unencumbered civic funds to the municipality.An energy aggregation company headquartered in Chicago and licensed by Illinois Commerce Commission. One of Inc's 25 fastest growing energy companies in the US. We utilize proprietary technology and advanced analytics to make Green Energy accessible.
The Green Aggregation Partnership - making Green Simplified™
How does Eligo's Green Energy program work?
Municipal Aggregations We Serve